In 2020, a team of facilitators including two Charlotte-Mecklenburg High School students came together to form the group Schools ReimaginED.
They partnered with Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools (CMS), a local high school named Performance Learning Center (PLC at that time) and The Gambrell Foundation to give students a platform for change.
This film was meant to be a catalyst and start a conversation about the importance of student voices remaining centered in reimagining education.
We hope you will use it to accelerate change efforts in the world.
Facilitator Partners
Efuru Cole-Brewer
Franklin Chacón
Jon Davis
Denise Watts
Nate Salley
Alicia Bell
Makayla Binter
Verna Rochon
Bill Bode
This film is dedicated to the power of our youth voices, and two students from Harding University High School that inspired an entire community to take action.
Efuru Cole Brewer and Franklin Chacón, your hearts, innate gifts and love for people have no bounds!
You were the true catalysts that motivated everyone to support this project.
And a special thanks to Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg who made our initial connection to Efuru and Franklin.